Try our free scanner and get a detailed report to see if your website complies with GDPR.
We NEVER share results or domains (only anonymized statistics)
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100% free PDF report for download
High Risk
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Understanding AesirX Privacy Scanner's Assessment Process
Analyze how your website processes user data. From tracking cookies to HTTP traffic, get a full view of data interactions.
Assess & eliminate web tracking by comparing your site's data with a tracker database to identify privacy risks.
Low Risk: Few trackers, strong privacy.
Medium Risk: Moderate trackers.
High Risk: Many trackers, poor disclosure.
Receive a detailed report on your site’s privacy & data practices, offering insights to enhance privacy standards and user trust.
AesirX Privacy Scanner's Assessments Ensure
Compliance with European Privacy Laws
Gain user trust with our GDPR and ePrivacy Directive (Article 5(3)) compliant Privacy Scanner.
We’ll do the hard work. Use our free scanner and get a detailed report about your website. It only takes a few minutes.
You’ll instantly get redirected to a page where you get access to your report on the potential GDPR breaches your site has.
Solve the problem yourself, or let our professional team do the work, so you can focus on other important parts of your business.